Our Church Is Open From Sunday 5th July
Our Re-opening Guidelines

Safety Procedures You Can Observe

1. If you have traveled from a COVID-19 positive area, or come into contact with COVID-19 in the past 2 weeks, we ask that you attend online only.

2. If you are currently sick or have COVID-19 symptoms, please do not attend service.

3. Those who are at greater risk, i.e the elderly and or those who have underlying health issues, those who feel nervous or uncomfortable about attending Church at this time, We strongly advise that you continue to live stream the services for the time being.

4. Please avoid using cash or cheque offerings/donations. Please use our online giving. During service, Church attendees will not pass around the offering bucket, instead our ushers will collect all tithes and offerings/ donations.


Safety Procedures We Will Observe

  1. EVERY PERSON will be required to sanitize their hands on entering the building.

  2. We will be adhering to and practicing the Government social distancing guidelines, including refraining from handshaking and hugging, etc.

  3. Attendees will be seated where possible by family or by their Support Bubble, but with distancing between seats of non-family members.

  4. We have put in place extra cleaning and sanitization of all facilities and common areas before and after each service.


Bank: Barclays
Account Name: Potters House Christian Church Grays
Account No: 83836886
Sort Code: 20-34-69

If you have any questions, please send an email to: info@phgrays.co.uk or Call: 07903 349 001


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